Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care is a healthcare profession that helps the body heal itself through manipulation of joints and muscles to help relieve pain, stiffness, and inflammation. Spinal manipulation can help the body heal itself faster and more efficiently. Chiropractic care helps with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders within the musculoskeletal system. It can include manual or instrument-assisted soft-tissue therapy, adjustments, kinesiotaping, exercise and stretches. By addressing the whole musculoskeletal system, chiropractors make sure that not only the joints are working properly, but also the surrounding muscles.
- Headaches/Migraines
- Frozen Shoulder
- Low Back Pain
- Mid-back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Shoulder Pain/Tension
- Reduces reliance on pain relievers
- Ankle Pain
- Hip Pain
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Sciatica
- Other Joint Pain
- Helps improve posture
What To Expect
On your first visit, you will fill out some basic health forms to help explain your symptoms. An extensive history along with an exam will be performed to make sure that you are a good candidate for chiropractic care.
There will be a neurologic and orthopedic exam to make sure that there is a clear understanding of the presenting problems and non-affected structures. You may need to twist your body in different ways to check your range of motion and particular structures. Your chiropractor may press on areas and ask if it hurts to help identify the problem.
If you get an adjustment during your first visit, expect a painless procedure in most cases. You may hear a “popping” sound as your joints move. Don’t be alarmed! It’s a completely normal side effect of joint cavitation. And sometimes it doesn’t happen at all. While some patients report that an adjustment causes instant relief, that sudden relief may or may not happen on your first visit, depending on your condition and its severity.
Patients are encouraged to listen to their body. If you feel good, don’t push yourself. If you don’t feel good, contact your chiropractor immediately. If you have more questions or concerns, write them down to be discussed at a follow-up visit.
Chiropractic Services and Pricing
Custom Chiropractic Treatment
- Initial Visit (Age 15+): $70
- Follow-Up visit (Age 15+): $50
- Child Visit (14 and under): $30
Your chiropractor will provide you with a superbill that can be submitted to your insurance company for possible reimbursement.
Chiropractic is available only at the Meadville location.
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